Bariatric Surgery Case Study: The Beauty of a Properly Optimized Landing Page

Many clients understandably prefer to land ads on their website. The idea of killing two birds with one stone – driving traffic to your website AND generating leads – with the same ad dollars seems like a win-win. This is unfortunately one of those scenarios where data often contradicts the prevailing wisdom. 

Our experience with a recent bariatric surgery client exemplified the difference a conversion-oriented landing page can make in paid media campaign performance. The bariatric surgery page on the clinic’s website was doing a fair number of things right, but a campaign pointing ads to it generated less than 20 conversions in a 60-day period at a cost of well over $450 per lead.

REV77 built a landing page (LP) for the same campaign and drove just under 30 conversions in a five-week period at slightly less than $150 per lead. 

Why a Traditional Website Page Isn’t Always an Ideal Landing Page 

  • Not every website incorporates landing page best practices (prominent CTAs, keyword-rich H1, H2s and H3s, proper content length and keyword density, etc.) 
  • In many cases, pages on a website are not being written to complement a specific paid media campaign
  • The navigation present on most pages of a traditional website distract from CTAs and their associated conversion actions 

Excessive Bounce-Off Opportunities

Our client’s bariatric surgery page was fundamentally a link repository. The top and sidebar navigation included more than 30 outbound links. The page did include a generic headline, two CTAs and a single paragraph of text, but those were followed by 17 additional links. 

Focused Content Strategy

A recent analysis out this year found most people who reach a landing page will bounce in 10 to 20 seconds unless they see a clear value proposition. 

Landing page 101 is making sure the page focuses on content relevant to the ad, but a good landing page should have more than keyword-rich copy. Every landing page needs to communicate some type of value proposition right away. This can include things like:
  • Credentials and certifications: Why should I trust you more than your competitors? 
  • Incentives and special offers: What can you offer me that your competitors can’t? 
  • Uniquely consumer-friendly features: What is it about your service that truly sets you apart? 
  • Key differentiators and selling points: Why should I buy from or contact you? 
Pro-tip: Something everyone offers, like a free consultation, is not a unique or particularly compelling incentive. Senior, military, first responder and educator discounts are all well and good, but unless your clientele skews towards one of those professions/demographics it’s not an effective value proposition.

The Most Valuable Real Estate on a Landing Page 

Someone searching for bariatric surgery already knows they want to lose weight. It’s not necessary to waste the valuable introductory lines of text giving them statistics on obesity. 

Communicating why this particular clinic is the one to call is a better use of that space – like boasting about a unique program or dual board-certified specialist who have performed 1,000 surgeries. 

Ten to 20 seconds is a decent amount of time – about enough time for the average searcher to get through the CTA, H1 and first four or five lines of text. That introductory, “above-the-fold” section of the landing page is make-or-break real estate. 

Don’t Underestimate Forms 

We try to limit our landing pages to two conversion options: form submissions and calls. It’s worth noting that form submissions accounted for roughly half of the landing page’s conversions. Prospective client/patient data can always be used in the future for targeting other digital marketing tools. 

For a service like bariatric surgery, comfort level and the searcher’s funnel position could also influence their preferred contact method. If a person isn’t entirely sure they want this service or would rather be sent more information they may not yet be ready to call for an appointment.

The Differences that Contributed to Our Landing Page’s Increased Lead Generation and Decreased CPL

REV77’s bariatric surgery landing page was designed to quickly and clearly communicated why our client was a good option for area residents. 

Our landing page minimized distractions and explained the fundamental value proposition of Vista Health’s weight loss services with a keyword rich headline and introductory sentence. Both primary conversion options – a prominent phone number and a form – were present on page load up, no scrolling necessary. 

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